Global Research Experience Program

The Global Research Experience Program is a new initiative from UC International to provide a global outlook and leading-edge research experiences to undergraduate students from UC’s strategic partner institutions

WISE student Rajpreet and her mentor working

Similar to the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, this program provides support for outstanding senior undergraduate students to conduct a six- to eight-week research project at UC under the mentorship of a UC faculty member during June and July 2025.

Faculty Mentors

UC International is looking for faculty across disciplines who are willing to mentor an international undergraduate student in the faculty member’s research group for around 8 weeks during Summer Semester 2025.

  • The undergraduate student will work on a specific research project proposed by the faculty mentor while at UC.
  • The undergraduate students will be expected to work full-time over their 8-week stay at UC, which will typically be between 30-40 hours per week. 
  • The costs of the student’s housing and meals will be covered by UC International.
  • UC International will provide $1,000 to each faculty mentor to cover incurred research expenditures.

Once the research projects at UC have been chosen, interested students at selected strategic partner institutions will complete an application to indicate their interest in particular research projects. Faculty members will have the possibility of choosing the student that they work with.

UC International anticipates up to twelve (12) projects will be supported in 2025. 

Mentorship Application

Faculty interested in acting as research mentors in this program must submit a brief application outlining the proposed research project and a mentoring plan included for the student, including identifying what research skills will be developed and clearly stating the expectations for both the student and PI. The application is due on December 13, 2024.

Proposals will be selected after review by UC International staff. Faculty will be notified of the status of their proposal by January 17, 2025. Approved research projects will be shared with our strategic partners the same week and students may begin applying to desired projects on after that.

Faculty will have the opportunity to interview and select the student who will work for them during Summer 2025.

Eligible faculty are full-time research-active UC faculty members in residence at UC during the proposed project dates.

Only proposals where the research will occur at UC (i.e. not remote or virtual projects) will be considered.

The application should be written for evaluation by readers with various academic backgrounds. The entire application should not exceed a space equivalent to three pages of 12 pt. single-spaced text with one-inch margins.

The application should include the sections below; these sections have been designed to meet the requirements of the US Department of State:

Name of PI:

Unit & College:

Project Title:

Overview and Significance of the Research Area: This section should discuss the overall objectives and desired outcomes of the PI’s research activities specific to this proposal and the significance of the expected deliverables of the research.

Specific Aims of the Proposed Activities: This section should clearly outline the specific goals and objectives of the research proposed for the eight-week project and the rationale for these Aims or the underlying hypotheses to be tested.

Research Strategy and Plan: This section should describe the project design for the eight-week research activities. This section should discuss the specific knowledge, skills, or techniques that will be learned by the intern, and how these will be taught. The names and titles of those that will provide continuous supervision of the intern should be included. A project timeline should be included.

Student Mentoring Plan: This section should briefly detail the PIs expectations for the student, including what the preferred academic background, skillset and experience of the student is, and how the PI plans to provide support, training, and mentorship for the student during their internship with the PI. Details of how the student’s acquistion of new skill and competencies will be measured should be included. Plans that consider integration of the international student into the broader UC community outside of the research activities and provide opportunities to participate in cultural activities are encouraged.

Budget Request and Justification: This section should provide justification for requested research support, not to exceed $1000.

Each proposal will be reviewed by UC International, and the review process will be managed such that no conflict of interest issues arise. Proposals that are able to synergize with existing undergraduate summer research programs are encouraged. The proposals selected for recommendation will be given to the Vice Provost for International Affairs for final approval and funds distribution.

Review Criteria

  • Does the application follow the guidelines articulated in the RFP?
  • Do the proposed activities have clearly articulated goals and reasonable expected deliverables within the project timeframe?
  • Does the project provide the student with an educational research experience?
  • Does the project fit within the continuum of the PIs active research goals and progress?

Visa Applications
The general requirements for the students visa applications should be met by the structure of these proposals. However, if more information regarding the project is required from the PI for the visa application process, the PI will be contacted directly by UC International for the required information.

Professional Development
As part of this program, UC International plans to provide a number of professional development workshops and training opportunities to the students. Time for these activities is expected to be included in the scope of work provided in the application materials.

Prior to Arrival
We expect that outstanding students from other disciplines than that of the PI may wish to be selected for these Research Experiences. In order to facilitate a productive research experience for all students, regardless of discipline, a collection of “background information and readings” may be requested from the PI and shared with the undergraduate student before they arrive at UC. Additional virtual meetings between the PI (and potentially the PI’s research group) and the visiting student prior to the Student’s arrival at UC should be considered in the Research Strategy and Plan section of the application.

Project Reports & Publications
Successful applicants agree to submit a written Project Report to UC International detailing the research activities performed, the research outcomes of the project, and the training experiences of the student engaged in the research project. The report is expected to be submitted within one month of the completion of the research internship. This report will be in addition to any reporting the Student is expected to produce for their home institution. 

Any publications arising from research activity performed by the undergraduate student should include an acknowledgment of “University of Cincinnati’s International Office, Global Research Experience Program” as a source of support.